Yearly Electrical Inspections
Your homes electrical system is one of the most important things to keep up. Whether your home was just built or you have an older home it is important to know what is going on. Stickler's Electrical Service recommends having an electrician come out and do a yearly electrical inspection. Here are a few things we look at while we are at your house:
1. We look at your main outside service, and indoor panel. We physically inspect these for any signs of arcing, loose connections. Do you have proper grounding at these places?
2. We test all your GFCI Receptacles to make sure they are functioning properly and they are where they are supposed to be for safety.
3. We test your smoke detectors to make sure these are working and where they are supposed to be. We also check the age of them, did you know it is recommended to replace these once every 10 years.
4. We inspect other areas as well. Once done you get a report of our Yearly Electrical Inspection, and we will point out what we recommend and give you a priority list along with costs.